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BIG: Is This the Email That Will Spell Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Doom?

Rumor has it that Dr. Anthony Fauci is being shoved out the door at the National Institutes of Health as I’m typing this. By the time you read this, he may already be out of a job. Most of us are thinking, “Good riddance,” but Fauci actually appears to deserve much worse than losing his $400,000 per year sinecure in a federal job. Especially based on the treasure trove of new information we have from Fauci’s 2020 emails, which were publicly released due to a FOIA request this week. The White House and Fauci are scrambling because of those messages.

We now know that Fauci lied to the American people about everything related to the Chinese coronavirus. He lied about where it came from. He lied about how it is transmitted. He lied about masks multiple times, social distancing and many other things. Fauci lied about the fact that he personally authorized the use of American taxpayer money to fund mad scientist experiments on bat coronaviruses in China.

People are still poring over Fauci’s emails from January through April of 2020, when the Chinese virus was making its way into America, infecting people and causing local, state and federal governments to go insane with their “newfound” lust for power over every area of our lives. So far, the folks exploring Fauci’s emails have found a lot to prove that Fauci lied to the American people and also lied under oath to Congress many times.

But there’s one email that has surfaced that is earthshaking, to say the least. I’ll print the full text that we have of the email below, but here’s the header for that message:

“From: Adam Gaertner

Date: March 11, 2020 at 6:16 AM EDT

To: Fauci, Anthony (NIH/NIAID)

Subject: Coronavirus bioweapon production method”

That’s quite a subject line! Other than that, there are two important things to note about this email. First, the date: March 11 of 2020 was about four or five days before that stupid “15 Days to Flatten the Curve” thing that Fauci scared Americans into complying with. In other words, when Anthony Fauci stood in front of the cameras and explained the new rules to Americans that they’re not supposed to leave their homes except for essentials like groceries, while wearing masks and social distancing… Fauci already knew that the coronavirus was a Chinese bioweapon.

The second thing to note is that the email was sent by someone named Adam Gaertner. He’s a virologist who communicates with Fauci pretty regularly. Gaertner has authenticated the contents of this email on Twitter, and laments that his own emails are now subject to a FOIA request as well. In plain English, this email is REAL. It is not Russian disinformation or a meme or an internet prank that someone made up on a lark.

Here is the body of the email message that Adam Gaertner sent to Anthony Fauci on March 11, 2020:

“Hello Anthony,

“This is how the virus was created.

“Intervirion Fusion. HIV-luc(ACE2)(500 ng of p24) was mixed with 1,000 ng of p24 of HIV-gfp particles incorporating ASLV-A envelope, SARS-CoV S protein, or both envelopes in PBS at 4°C for 30 min to allow binding. Virions were adjusted to the desired pH with 0.1 M citric acid. PBS, TPCK-trypsin (final concentration 10 ng/ml), CTSL, cathespin B (CTSB) (final concentrations 2 ng/ml) or CTSL buffer alone was then added. Recombinant CTSL (R&D Systems) was preactivated by incubation for 15 min at 10 ng/ml in 50 mM Mes, pH 6.0, on ice. Recombinant CTSB (R&D Systems) was preactivated in 25 mM Mes, 5mM DTT, pH 5.0, for 30 min at 25°C. After a 10-min incubation at 25°C, proteolysis was halted by the addition of 300 nl of DMEM10 containing leupeptin (25 ng/ml) and STI (75ng/ml). Virions were then incubated at 37°C for 30 min to allow membrane fusion. 100 nl of the virion mixture was added in quadruplicate to HeLa-Tva cells pretrated for 1 h with leupeptin (20 ng/ml). The cells were spin-infected and incubated at 37°C for 5 h.”

That email is real. It was sent to Fauci by another doctor. That doctor has authenticated it, and it was in Fauci’s email inbox.

Fauci knew all along that COVID-19 was a bioweapon cooked up in a Chinese military lab. Do you still think Fauci deserves to be fired? Or, does he deserve much, much worse?

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  1. Ally says

    Yep, Fauci needed fired right after he came to the notice of the US Government. He’s a sham who was pulling such huge wool over the eyes of the people.

    He is also the reason so many here are dead.

  2. Donald Durdan says

    Fauci and all democrat socialists who forced the shuttering of our economy and loss of personal freedoms must be judged to be incompetent and removed from office asap.

  3. Peter Guild says

    Good riddance, Dr. Fauci!!

  4. Don says

    When hasn’t he lied??? I guess he learned from Hellary.

  5. Kurtis Tegman says

    Again…and this must be said: “IF This IN FACT, True”…Because you KNOW that ‘Fake News’
    Will be screamed forever, unless this is PROVEN Irrefutably, in Every Way.
    Then Fauci is literally Complicit in China’s Bioweapons Attack of the Planet. Every Person’s Life Has Been
    Altered because of COVID. He gave the “Marketing” of Covid Absolute Power over everything that has transpired
    since March 2020. People have Died, have lost loved ones, businesses, financial stability, markets have fallen, children have ‘Lost a Vital Step’ in their development, to which the long-term of that, cannot be measured…the Mental and Social Health Impact and the Momentum and Will of many, has been entirely shaken. And Fauci is KNOWN to have “Predicted This” 🙄, back in 2016, when he SAID, that ‘Trump’s Presidency will have to endure a Pandemic’…He KNEW this Bio-Attack was “Scheduled”. Fauci had the Inside Track on this whole thing…it isn’t his fault, but he was a Key Player.

  6. Joe says

    Devilrats couldn’t get Trump one way so they killed a bunch of Americans with a virus. I never had a doubt they were part of COVID.

  7. Dog says

    He and many other DC swamp dwellers need to be called out for their role in this so called pandemic. Indictments and prosecutions would follow. How do we continue as a free society when the very people we rely on to protect us lie and deceive us. Unelected bureaucrats, Congressmen, Senators and even many appointed judges push their personal agenda over the needs and wants of the country. I fear we are running out of time to change coarse.

  8. Dc says

    He needs to be hung ! And I mean right now I’m sure all the Democrats knew what this was znd it was planned think about it the timing of it just another sick wY to get rid of President Trump. But I think it was all planned but under Hillary and a way to rain in there new world order that we all see them going gor now instead it was used to rid them of Trump and for extra security they rigged the election to make sure Trump didn’t win again witch he did and you have to be a fool to think other wise .. this man needs to be hung for crimes against umanity he was in on this whole virus from the start and before Trump was elected he he said something big is going yo happen in his term he knew all a long what the Chinese were going to do … he’s a living piece of crap .

  9. Carlos Sanchez says

    Yes, this little turd needs to spend the rest of his life in prison! Allowing him such leeway for so long, is yet another indication of Trump’s poor judgement in the people he allowed to be in his inner circle and those he trusted.

  10. Carlos says

    If this isn’t an enormous reason why the GOP needs to take back the House, nothing is. That said, they also need some balls and killer instinct. Dems always go for the jugular, the GOP had better learn to do the same!


    He needs to be put in prison for treason to do this to america why is he still out walking around this is crazy looses his job big deal make him pay for all the lives he help destroy

  12. WildMann9 says

    I said that Covid was Lab-Created by the Chinese, when the news first came out about it!

  13. Alta says

    This is worse than what happened on January 6 at the White House. Think about it, the entire Earth has been affected one way or another. How can a human being do this to their fellow man? It is scary to know that people do not care what others have to suffer through. What people suffered through the virus is a lasting ordeal. Some will never forget it, especially those that lost so much. God Bless and comfort you all.

  14. Don says

    Many of us knew he was a phony from the beginning due to his shifty behavior. Nothing but a Hellary puppet.

  15. Don says

    This isn’t a surprise.

  16. Vic says

    Remember last yr when Fauci was on Cuomo’s network show. They were talking about how often Fauci was phoning him, and it came out it was several times a week. Both verified that. Good buddies, maybe do lunch soon. Then Cuomo said he understood Fauci was calling Hillary even more, virtually daily. Fauci admitted that was true, too. He seemed proud he had become part of the “elite in-crowd”; loved it. Hillary liked him; he was one of the chosen.
    Why was he talking to Hillary at all, let alone frequently? Hillary only does things if she gets something out of it, now or in future.. ..

  17. Disgusted says

    We did not pay Fauci to lie to us. He should be forced to pay back ALL the pay he got from our taxpayers. Why do I hav to do a capcha every single time here just to give MY thoughts?

  18. Carolyn says

    Fauci should be fired then arrested for treason on American people. Putting our country to the most Agonizing, Deceitful criminal.

  19. Joan Sowell says

    Facing committed the sin of omission as well as spreading non truths.

  20. Marnie says

    I think Fauci was a key player. He helped plan this and implemented its trickery on the American people and the rest of the world. CDC and others were listening to every lie that came out of his mouth. He must have felt very powerful to manipulate so many to his fraudulent claims. Perhaps the vaccines are phony as well. I’ve never seen states and federal government bribe people to put an unknown poison in their body for a chance to win free beer, groceries, money etc. Totally deceitful and disgusting. He has committed TREASON along with many others. They need to pay.

  21. Mary J Nelson says

    If Ivermectin can at least reduce viral load, why is it not being sent to practically every American NOW?
    I am not in the US and was able to get it pretty easily so no COVID.

  22. Dennis Clements says

    Fauci is a sawed off little man with a Napoleon complex. Everything is about him. He is a traitor, a liar and a murderer. He needs to given the maximum sentence for treason. Gas the little turd and bury him in an unmarked grave in China.

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