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Doctors Blaming Sudden Rise in Blood Clot Problems on Tea & Coffee (Not the Shots)
The next few years should be fascinating as corrupt, bought-and-paid-for doctors and state-run media continue making up brand new conditions to cover for COVID shot deaths. This spring, we were treated to a never-before-seen condition called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), in which healthy young people suddenly die in their sleep. Now we have another brand-new condition. It’s called “sticky blood” and it can cause you to develop life-threatening blood clots.
Much like Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, sticky blood is something that coincidentally just started happening after the 2021 rollout of the COVID shots.
According to doctors who talked to the Express in London, sticky blood is caused by global warming. No, wait. Sorry. It’s not caused by global warming. That’s what they’re blaming the sudden rise in miscarriages, stillbirths and spontaneous abortions on. Sticky blood is caused by… drinking coffee and tea.
The Express muses, “Could sipping on the nation’s favorite drink be increasing your risk?”
Yep, sorry British people, tea is suddenly too dangerous for you to drink after all these centuries. Never mind the fact that drinking tea or coffee for hundreds of years prior to 2022 never killed anyone. Now these drinks are causing “sticky blood!” (Do these people seriously not remember that we were literally calling it the “clot shot” within the first month of the mRNA shot rollout?)
A “leading British venous surgeon” named Professor Mark Whitely talked to the Express and he says that dehydration is causing people to become dehydrated. That dehydration then causes the blood to become thicker and sticky. And the thing causing the dehydration is that people drink too much coffee or tea. Mystery solved!
Seems like kind of a roundabout way to come to the conclusion that this never-before-heard-of condition is suddenly causing lots of otherwise healthy people to have strokes, but who are we to get in the way of Science? The theory of the British doctors who are still pushing the COVID shots is that the caffeine in coffee and tea is suddenly leading to dehydration. They’re warning that anyone who feels pain in their legs, arms, stomach or chest should call for an emergency checkup immediately.
At this point, they’ll soon be blaming all of the late-stage fatal pancreatic cancer in healthy people on dog walking.
We passed the level of absurdity long ago when it comes to the COVID shots long ago. We knew a year ago when hundreds of pro soccer players were dropping on the field that the shots were causing it. The healthiest professional athletes in the world have been collapsing and often dying from sudden heart conditions. The common thread in all those terrible injuries and deaths was vaccination status. And it’s the same for all the people with “sticky blood.”
Now we have tons of clinical studies showing that the shots are dangerous and cause a wide range of health problems – many fatal – that we’ve not seen in healthy young people before. We also have our own lying eyes and common sense. What’s your gut telling you?
Should we listen to the medical profession that is claiming that coffee and tea are suddenly making people’s blood sticky? Or is there just a teensy possibility that something more recent than these ancient, healthy drinks could be causing the sharp increase in blood clots? All the previous science has told us that coffee, tea and caffeine have tons of health benefits, so long as you don’t overdo it. But now they’re killing people? Please.
Between the COVID lockdown insanity and the obvious damage that the shots have done, the world has been permanently altered. We’ve seen the economic damage that the lockdowns caused. We’re living through those results right now with the Biden economy. But it’s going to take years before we even know the full extent of the damage the shots have done.
Birth rates are plummeting while life insurance companies – even ones here in the US – are paying out 163% more claims than the five-year average. All-cause mortality rates have sharply increased in every country that mass vaccinated its people with the Moderna and Pfizer shots. But let’s blame it on your morning cup of coffee instead of the obvious thing.

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Oh, how many more ludicrous statements can these “so called doctors, scientists” come up with? Let’s face it, this experimental vaccine is the cause of these sudden deaths in healthy individuals, along with all of the adverse effects also caused from these vaccines. Shame on all the “sheeple” who believe that these vaccines are the cure all for this coronavirus and all the variances that are popping up. Truth be known that this was an intentional spread to depopulate the world from the likes of the CCP, Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and George Soros. Their ultimate goal is to decrease the world population by 10 or 15 percent. And they are still working on more viruses to make them more lethal.
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Sounds more likely that caffein and covid vaccinations make a lethal combination.
What we need to do is get rid of CCP, Fauci, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Soros, CDC and the FDA and then the world will get back to normal and it will be a much safer and healthier place to live.
Caffeine does act as a diuretic in the body, but it usually requires excessive amounts of caffeine to dehydrate anyone, and I do mean a lot of caffeine. I’d have to see some actual studies including double blind studies before I buy the “sticky blood” theory. Famous Venous Surgeon or Crackpot Doc? We saw more of the latter during the Pandemic.
This statement brought to you blow the lowbrows of research who couldn’t find their way out of opened broom closet.
We know the vaccine cause clots. It does not prevent anything. So its purpose is depopulation as was the virus. Worldwide too. It also caused heart inflammation. The virus was supposed to be high in survival rates low in deaths. the stats were inflated too. Like the ME in Colorado stated six bodies , 3 with nasty bullet holes in them . \all died of covid on paper. If people died all at once the world would be shocked. so dying a few at a time works well for them. No one suspects the real culprit.
Caffeine is a blood thinner. Thin blood clots much less then thick blood does. Both coffee and tea has caffeine. The liberal “scientists” can stuff it with their inane chatter.
L M A O ! These so-called doctors have got to be kidding !!! Coffee wakes up my colon to take a … YOU KNOW ! Tea has been used to cure all types of sicknesses for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, and now it is a problem “”REALLY”” ??? 50+ YEARS OF DRINKING COFFEE, AND MAYBE 30 YEARS OF DRINKING TEA, AND THIS PURE BLOOD IS DOING JUST FINE ! We all know what’s in that MRNA with the nano bot technology to clog the vessels in the human body causing people to drop on the spot everywhere ! Where do these so-called doctors get their degree’s ? At some ACME school of doctors for governmental science ? GIVE US A BREAK- “”JACK”” !
I will now add Doctors to my list of agencies and people I do not trust. How many Doctors refuted what the crooked FDA, CDC, Fauchi etc etc. not many. I will never take another shot for anything since they will probably give me the clot shot since I refused to get it. Watched as several of my friends got cancer and 3 died. All young parents that had never been sick. New Moto “Trust No One”
The only time caffeine has ever harmed anyone is when they abuse those energy drinks that are high in caffeine content. Remember that college girl who suffered and died from a heart attack a few years ago, because she consumed 8 containers of, “Five-Hour Energy” drink in the space of 8-10 hours, despite the warning on the label that, “overconsumption of this product could lead to serious health problems”. (Label recommended that you allow at least 5-6 hours between “shots”) All that caffeine in such a short period of time put a strain on her heart and nervous system that it couldn’t handle. THAT’S, “real science”–NOT what the. “Whacky Democrat Communists” are saying!!
Wow really! People have been drinking this stuff since beginning yet now it does what? Come on how stupid can you people be. The vaccines are to blame.