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Horrifying UK Data: Don’t Let Your Kids Get Vaccinated – Period!
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) in the UK has inadvertently released a data set which proves that the COVID “vaccines” are killing children aged 10 and up.
They didn’t mean to release this data. In fact, they tried to cover it up because it’s so horrifying. There should be public trials and heavy jail terms for any health official who continues to claim that the vaccines are safe.
If that does not happen – if there is no accountability and no justice for this crime against humanity – we may soon start to see parents taking justice into their own hands against doctors. Not just here in the US, but in countries around the world.
The ONS just published the latest COVID and vaccine statistics on its website. The data includes various age groups (50-59, 60-69, etc.) and mortality rates for vaccinated compared to unvaccinated Brits. There’s nothing unusual about that. The ONS has been consistently more competent, timely and accurate in their data releases than our corrupt CDC has been here in the US.
But curiously, the ONS left that statistic out for 10- to 19-year-olds. That’s odd, especially since the UK is now vaccinating kids ages 12 and up. That dataset should have been in the March numbers, but it’s not.
Reporters at The Expose in England spotted that red flag and decided to dig deeper into the latest numbers. While the ONS did not publish the children’s data as it did other age groups, they did publish one statistic that allowed The Expose to do some simple math and come up with accurate figures for deaths and person-years for 10- to 14-year-olds, and for 15- to 19-year-olds. I checked their math, and it’s accurate.
Brace yourself for this.
The numbers from ONS show, first of all, that mortality rates for unvaccinated kids in those age groups are normal. For 10- to 14-year-olds, they experienced 4.58 deaths per 100,000 person-years between January 1st and October 31st of last year. Among unvaccinated 15- to 19-year-olds, they experienced 10.08 deaths per 100,000 person-years during the same time frame. Of course, it’s always tragic when a kid dies, but those numbers are perfectly normal for those age groups. That’s the rate at which kids die in any normal year in the UK.
But last year was not a normal year for many kids. The COVID shots were approved for kids 12 and up, so the vaccinated ones had a very, very bad year. And The Expose was able to break down the datasets to tell us the mortality rates of vaccinated kids after one dose and two doses.
For 10- to 14-year-olds between last January and October who had one vaccine dose, they were 10 times as likely to die when compared to unvaccinated kids. For 15- to 19-year-olds with one dose, they were twice as likely to die as their unvaccinated peers.
The 10- to 14-year-old rate among single-dose vaxed kids was 45.12, compared to the normal 4.58 rate among unvaccinated kids. The rate for single-dosed 15- to 19-year-olds was 18.32, compared to the 10.08 rate among unvaccinated kids.
You can probably already guess what the data shows for the double vaccinated kids, although the magnitude of the problem is staggering.
For double vaccinated 15- to 19-year-olds, the mortality rate jumps up to three times as high as unvaccinated kids (32.85 compared to 10.08). For the younger kids in the 10- to 14-year-old group, double vaccinated ones are… 51 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children in the same age group.
They’re 5,100% more likely to die after receiving two shots than an unvaccinated kid. No wonder the ONS tried unsuccessfully to hide the data. The truly sick thing about this is that kids are at basically zero risk of dying from COVID. Giving a child a COVID shot is basically like playing Russian roulette with three loaded chambers. A person would have to be insane or malicious to their own offspring to let health officials vaccinate their kids with that risk factor.
No wonder normally mild-mannered figures like Alex Berenson and Mark Steyn are suddenly sounding like they want to drag pharmaceutical execs into a nearby forest and use a power drill and some kitchen matches to do unspeakable things. This is the most awful statistic we’ve seen to date on the vaccines, and yet no one is standing up and screaming to stop it already.
The COVID shots should be taken off the market and banned before they kill any more children.

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IF these shots are as ‘safe and effective’ as the government and the pharma reps claim……get rid of the liability shield granted to the drug companies by our government. Grant the guinea pigs, I mean the vaxxed, the right to sue the **** out of the drug companies over injuries suffered as the result of these shots. All profit, no liability.
This should be front page news about them killing our kids for profit from the vaccine thank you U K for telling the world about this horrifying data.please please don’t let your children be vaccinated.
How about them saying americans should starve and send the food to other country’s that need it can this get any worse?
Honestly, it’s time to stop talking and time to start doing. Time for these EVIL SOB’S to have a target on their backs and one by one mysteriously drop off the face of the earth. When the world was sane this type of horrific mandatory poison made to be put in “Anyone’s Body” especially children, would be lined up and shot, or at the very least in jail for the rest of their sick lives!!!
I buried my brother(or you yours) last week murdered by the democrats manufactured bioweapon known as Covid….Gain of Function research funded by democrats then discontinued for optic purpose because of dangers of that type of research only to be continued in Obama era by fauci and a bio lab research center funding it! How many more have to die… democrats do not care if your rep/dem they are after all of us whether you comply with their way of life they have planned for you or not. I buried my Brother last week …..Don’t let the next be yours…Stop the democrats! Vote them all out from office for life as they done to my brother’s life for life!
Rebecca, please omitt making comments of violence there are already enough marginally unstable people out there who don’t need a reason to go over edge as you suggest.
Not only is the vax unsafe, it doesn’t stop people from getting covid. It screws up the immune system so that the virus is even deadlier than normal.
53 year old police officer, in great shape, got double vaxed. 3 weeks later he is dead of covid…
the doctor who developed the RNA vaccines told old people to go ahead and get vaccinated, but said the young and healthy should NOT. for telling the truth he was accused of disinformation, while the liars in the CDC, WHO, etc were spouting drivel that was called “truth.” the truth is people like gates have been wanting ways to reduce the population. “what a great vaccine.”
And Biden, idiot Fauci, and CDC are now ready to get the under 5 yr olds lined up and injected. Biden wants the babies done, too, though he gives the baby formula to the illegal, free. He has it stored in a huge taxpayer built warehouse built for storing it. Bet he’ll end up throwing a lot out for outdated, rather than let American babies have food.
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