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Hypocrites: Wealthy Celebrities Ban Protests, Autonomous Zones in their Town
While our country continues to sit back and watch extremists burn cities to the ground, those of us with any remaining sanity are left with the most important question imaginable: Who has been the most annoying throughout all of this?
You might think it’s Antifa, or BLM or Progressives. They are all taking part in an active insurrection, and while that’s scary, is annoying really the best word for it? No, there is one group that holds the crown of most annoying, and they’ve held it for some time: Hollywood celebrities.
As much as you’d probably love to never hear from any celebrity ever again, chances are that your life has been inundated with news bits about all the celebrities supporting the BLM protests. You’ve probably seen that stupid video with Aaron Paul (the Breaking Bad guy) and a ton of other celebs apologizing for their white privilege and promising to take responsibility for it. You’ve probably seen plenty else about any number of these celebrities making public statements in support of BLM, condemning police for stopping riots, celebrating CHAZ (or CHOP or whatever they’re calling it today) and even donating money to bail out violent rioters. This stuff is everywhere.
Knowing that, you’ll likely appreciate the irony of the new civil order that has been passed in Beverly Hills. From now on, there can be no public gatherings of 10 people or more. Now, at first glance, this might look like an attempt to combat the spread of the coronavirus. It was certainly marketed that way, but when you keep reading, you get to the fatal tell.
Included in the order is a ban on the establishment of autonomous zones. With that language, the people of Beverly Hills made their intentions clear. They aren’t worried about a virus. They’re worried about the damage and danger that they would face if these ‘protests’ come to their town. When these rich celebrities had a chance to put their money where their mouths are, they buckled in an instant.
Lest we generalize too much, here are just a few examples of hypocritical celebrities. Chrissy Teigen announced that she donated $200,000 to post bail for protestors. She currently lives in Beverly Hills and supports the new ban.
Seth Rogan publicly donated funds. Not to be outdone, he also spent a good part of a day cursing out anyone who dared to disagree with his view on the state of racism in America. Guess where he lives. That’s right; it’s Beverly Hills. He has also mentioned favorability towards banning protests near his home.
Another reasonably big name on the list is Steve Carell. He has donated; he lives in Beverly Hills; and he has voiced support for banning protests.
Outside of Beverly Hills, a few more celebrities are worth mentioning. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have been big donors to defense funds. They live in Westchester, NY. Are you ready for this twist? Westchester banned protests and assembly back in March. Those bans are still in effect. That’s why Ben Stiller’s big donation is also pretty hypocritical. He’s another rich celebrity in Westchester.
None of this is surprising, but it’s important to have the facts on hypocrisy like this. Every celebrity leftists is a walking, talking contradiction. Since we’re in the full grip of cancel culture, can we just cancel celebrities altogether? When have they ever had a positive impact on our society?
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