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Joe Biden Moves to Silence Vaccine Injury Victims & Their Families
34-year-old Kim Lockwood got vaccinated against COVID in the UK in March of 2021. Eight days later, she died in the hospital with a rare blood clotting disorder in her brain. One year after Kim’s death, the coroner made the obvious claim about her death: The COVID shot killed her.
I guess they’re not firing coroners anymore when they tell the truth about all the odd deaths that are happening – at least in the UK. Not here in America, though! In fact, Joe Biden is hiring a bunch of new lawyers at the Justice Department to ensure that vaccine injury victims and their families keep quiet.
Here’s a bit of news that you probably have not seen reported anywhere yet: So many victims and their families are suing the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine injuries right now that the Department of Justice cannot handle the caseload.
You might be thinking, wait a second! Dr. Anthony Fauci said these vaccines are safe and effective! Well, the fact that the DHHS and the Department of Justice are overwhelmed with vaccine injury lawsuits right now seems to tell a different story.
The USA JOBS site has just posted a listing for four new job openings at the Department of Justice. The DOJ is looking to hire at least four new vaccine injury tort lawyers before the 14th of April. They need these new hires to start right away, because the regular team of vaccine injury tort lawyers are overwhelmed with the workload. The ad even warns the new hires that they will be handing “heavy caseloads.”
When the COVID shots kill or catastrophically injure someone, American families can’t sue the pharmaceutical companies that foisted this experimental mRNA technology on us. Congress has given Big Pharma immunity. Pfizer really appreciates this, since its COVID shot caused herpes and 1,290 additional horrifying side effects during its hasty trials (which the FDA covered up when approving the shot for emergency use).
Families can sue the Department of Health and Human Services over a vaccine injury. The federal government pays out a ton of money every year to families that sue because of injuries or death from a non-COVID vaccine. Now that F. Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates have scared millions of Americans into taking the COVID shots, the number of vaccine injury lawsuits has exploded.
Upon learning this, one of the first questions that I had was, “Why aren’t more of these families speaking out?” It’s not like there is a dearth of right-leaning news sites, from the Daily Caller to Infowars, that would gladly publish their stories. So, why aren’t any of them telling their stories?
The job posting for Biden’s new vaccine injury tort lawyers provides a clue. It says that you cannot apply for those jobs unless you have a “top secret” security clearance. Hmmm… I can think of two reasons for that.
If the information that could come out in a vaccine injury lawsuit is particularly harmful to government, then the DOJ’s tort lawyers are arguing that the plaintiffs be placed under a gag order. That’s why we’re not seeing more families come forward to tell the story of how their loved ones were killed or injured by the COVID shots.
The “top secret” clearance for the new tort lawyers is probably also necessary because they are getting THE WHOLE TRUTH when it comes to coronavirus and the experimental shots. Remember, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funded Moderna’s mRNA shot research. And COVID-19 itself has been found to have a gene strand within the virus that was patented by Moderna back in 2016.
Not to mention the fact that Dr. Anthony Fauci sent taxpayer money to Communist China so they could develop the coronavirus in a biological weapons lab. They wouldn’t want that information coming out in a court case either, hence the gag orders on the families. Your tax dollars paid to create the virus, and now your tax dollars are going to DOJ lawyers who work to ensure that vaccine injury families keep their mouths shut.
The walls around this whole charade are starting to come down. When the DOJ admits that it’s overwhelmed with vaccine injury cases, you know we’re making progress. If only it were safe for coroners to tell the truth about all the vaccine deaths here in America.

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Do you want to earn money without investing money. That’s how I started this job and Now I am making $200 to $300 per hour for cdc01 doing online work from home.
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Do you want to earn money without investing money. That’s how I started this job and Now I am making $200 to $300 per hour for cdc01 doing online work from home.
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In my community, I am involved with several community events. The people who took the vaccine shots are experiencing lots of side effects. Some MDs are not reporting these as the vaccine shots or side effects from the virus.
One neighbor has suffered a brain hemorrhage, stroke, appendix operation, polyp in the colon was cancer, bleeding, had to have a screen on the heart because of blood clots. She had blood transfusions, iron infusions, her platelet was low. She had 2 vaccines, no more.
Everyone has some kind of side effects. spikes in the liver, kidneys, heart, ovaries, uterus, lungs, phenomena. Many got Covid after the first shot and transmitted it to the family.
I didn’t get the vaccines and I am fine, no mask.
Now the tables have been turned. This issue must never be allowed to go away, those who were adversely affected need to press on.
The one who should be silenced is that piece of trash treasonous bastard Biden is the swamp he is a picture of it him Pelosi McConnell Graham they all need to pay for what they have done
You got the vaccine? But you should know that NOTHING was prove about it! Don’t believe any politician or celebrity who claim it help them! Best is filed a wrong death lawsuit against the president and his Health department! CDC, AND DR. FAUCI AS WELL! I would not believe anything out of a career of LIES PRESIDENT MOUTH! Your life is your to control! Not these GLOBALIST OR POLITICIANS WHO WANT TO GAIN WEALTHY BY PUSHING SOMETHING THEY DON’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT! There should be 25 people with their personal camera standing there watching them take the same VACCINE THEY PUSH ! Not get a sugar water fake shot!
The conspiracy of the mRNA vaccines becomes more and more obvious day and is now totally outstanding of hand. How else would you explain coroner’s being afraid to tell the truth about vaccine caused deaths? Why has the FDA not recalled these drugs as soon as the deaths and long term disabilities started piling up months ago. Deadly drugs have always gone under investigations as soon as 1, or 2, or 3 deaths occur. The Swine Flu vaccine was pulled from the market after 24 confirmed deaths. A couple of weeks ago confirmed deaths caused by the mRNA vaccines was over 22,000 in the USA alone. Now we learn that coroners are afraid to release the true numbers tgat are apparently much higher. Then their are the hundreds of thousands of long term disabilities and miscarriages attributed to these vaccines. The FDA rightfully should be investigated for any criminal actions they have taken to first approve these vaccines and why they haven’t been pulled from the market. Now the FDA’s criminal intent is further displayed as they are considering the approval of a 2nd booster shot! If their are any doubts of FDA criminality to this point, those doubts disappeared when the 2nd booster shots were taken under consideration instead of pulling all mRNA vaccines off the market. Want more proof of why to pull these deadly drugs off the market? Consider that 80% of Covid deaths over the past couple of months were of fully vaxed human beings.
I am one of those who suffered a reaction to the covid shots. One night I could not breathe and my husband took me to the emergency department at 1:00 AM As it turned out I had an enlarged heart. I was given some medicine to keep me calm and was told to see my cardiologist ASAP. I had an echo-cardiogram and the heart went back to normal. My Cardiologist said to me “No more Vaccine for you”. I happily obliged!!!
Donald, I was reading some articles on the computer, (I don’t listen to the fake news anymore) and Bill Gates made a comment that there are too many people on the earth and we need to de-populate and it can be done through the vaccine!!! Look it up if you can! I guess that moron thinks he will live forever and his money will save him from dying, but little does he know he is headed for the deepest pit of HELL!!!! By the way, he won’t take the vax and won’t let his children take it either…doesn’t that tell you something???
TO HELL with “Dr” Joseph Von Freakenstein i.e. and his lab ‘ratting’!!
Cant let the peons know what they have done!!!!!
Dr, Anthony Fauci lied! Big time! Part of the New World Order plan take the population down! And, oh yes Dr Fauci has 10 million plus in the bank! He even got paid for killing people! He is such a good guy! Keep him another 80 years!
Donald, They do not give one fig about the American people they care only about how much money they have in the bank! Our wonderful leader has paid Russia to fight the war with the Ukraine – all that oil money! And of course Vald is Joey’s friend – i doubt that he has stopped paying him even now! Comes on like a Dictator – you have to have the shot! Sure i need some more money in out account Biden Crime Family including Hunter! Smarts man he knows! Why would anyone take something that is not FDA approved! In a few years they will be finding out just what the Covid shot has done to them! Because the FDA will not release any info on it for 70 some odd years! Isn’t our government grand!
Do you want to earn money without investing money. That’s how I started this job and Now I am making $200 to $300 per hour for cdc10 doing online work from home.
Apply Now here__________ http://currentjobs64.cf
People if you trust the LYING PRESIDENT AND HIS ADMINISTRATION. Then you would trust a criminal robbing your house. Pointing a guns at you and demand everything. You fear for your life. But if you knew the criminal doesn’t care about you. They will killed you even if you gave them the house! Because they DO NOT LEAVE SOMEONE ALIVE TO TELL THE POLICE! SAME GONE FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS! Think about those 54 that were killed to STOP THEM FROM TESTFITY AGAINST THE CLINTON IN COURT!