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Nancy Pelosi Hits Hispanic Child in the Neck to Solidify Dems’ 2022 Messaging
Nothing tells a child “You’re SPECIAL” quite like smacking them in the neck with your elbow. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was swearing in newly elected Texas Republican Mayra Flores last week when she revealed the Democrat Party’s 2022 messaging for Hispanic voters. In an act of caring tenderness, Pelosi smacked Flores’ young daughter in the neck with her elbow.
To an outside observer, this may very well have looked like the elderly Pelosi smacking a child in the neck with her elbow, in order to stop the child from brushing up against her. But don’t believe your lying eyes. What Nancy Pelosi did to that child was an act of love!
Fox News tried to blow the caring and compassionate incident way out of proportion by claiming that Nancy Pelosi actually hit the small Hispanic child. Nothing could be further from the truth. In case there was any confusion whatsoever, Pelosi’s office issued a public statement refuting those allegations:
“It’s sad to see ‘news outlets’ that know better misrepresent the Speaker’s effort to ensure Rep. Flores’ daughters wouldn’t be hidden behind her in all of the photos of such an important moment for their family.”
Take that, Fox News! Those liars just don’t love children the way that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party do.
Do you know what I do every time I take a family photo with my children or my nieces and nephews? When I want to make sure all the kids are within the camera frame, I give them a loving smack in the neck with my elbow. Don’t you? I wouldn’t want to send them a confusing message by putting my hand on their shoulder and gently guiding them to where they should stand. I give them the good old loving neck-elbow-smash. Maybe even a playful slap across the face. Because I care about the children.
You might also think, based on the fact that Mayra Flores just flipped a Texas congressional district red for the first time since the 1800s, that the Democrats have a messaging problem with Hispanic voters. Or as I should say, “Latinx” voters. (Hispanics love being called that, as if they’re some weird new gender identity.)
But that’s not the case at all. Nancy Pelosi is probably assuming that since the voters in that District saw the name “Mayra Flores” on the ballot, they just automatically assumed she was a Democrat and voted for her. Pelosi likely has a plan to ship hundreds of Dominion Voting Systems machines to Texas before the next election. You know, to help make sure that the voters don’t make the same “mistake” again.
Besides that, Nancy Pelosi has got the Democrat Party’s Hispanic voter outreach messaging under control. She knows exactly what Hispanic voters want. She’s got her finger right on the pulse, people!
She knows they want a wide-open southern border that allows millions of illegal aliens from 194 countries to pour in, thus lowering the quality of life of all Hispanics. Pelosi knows they want abortion clinics. Lots of them. “Just look at the size of their families,” she says. “These Latinxes are obviously crying out for more federally funded Planned Parenthood clinics!”
Pelosi also knows that Hispanic voters want fewer jobs, and much lower wages. In fact, they’d prefer the type of unemployment that the Democrats are offering under Build Back Better. Hispanics also hate talking to their own children about the birds and the bees, and gender identity. They’d really love it if a purple-haired kindergarten teacher would just take that whole subject off their plate.
Promises made, promises kept! It’s the Nancy Pelosi way!
All kidding aside, Donald Trump deserves a lot of credit for drawing Hispanic voters to the Republican Party. Which is amazing, considering the fact that his only Hispanic voter outreach move in 2016 was to eat a taco salad from his own restaurant on Cinco de Mayo. A lot of Hispanic voters loved that, because they were in on the joke. Trump treated them with dignity, respect and humor.
Trump didn’t pander to Hispanic voters. He simply told them about his policies and how they would benefit all Americans, including Hispanics: A secure border, jobs, less abortion, lower taxes, low and stable gas prices, and so forth. It was a strategy that worked. Call me crazy, but I’m thinking maybe that worked even better than smacking a Hispanic child in the neck with an elbow.

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pilosi stinks
Pelosi definitely pushed this child over with her arm. I wouldn’t say her elbow to the child’s neck. Pelosi should not have touched the child at all. Pelosi was squeezing herself into the picture. Had Pelosi just stayed out of the picture all would have been pleased!
Well of course they don’t like Hispanics and the Hispanic population has woke up to this. It’s to bad there are still people out there who still believe democrats are the ones for them. I guess after the 2024 election we’ll see how those democrat voters are still receiving handouts. I would get online and do research about what they said President Trump did and said. I learned a lot by doing this research. I learned democrats and their associates lie every time they open their mouth. But I have noticed that I can’t find a lot of that info on the internet anymore for some reason. Now it’s not just democrats and far left it is also rhinos in government and judicial system still doing democrats bidding as well. Now to find the truth in research is gone so makes me wonder how deep is the government swamp truly? It’s not just the lies about Trump anymore. This is a world where corruption in government is beyond Washington. Just stop and think about everything that has happened since Trump stated is was running and then while he was President and even still today. I have never seen so many people bought off by one Democrat party. If you think 2022 midterm elections are going to be safe guess again. No one did anything about the 2020 election so judicial system is telling us they don’t care about our vote. When democrats take more control in midterms anyone who supports Trump and those who support America First will pay a harder price. Democrats and their puppets have shown they will do everything even break laws to get what they want. I believe that America First candidates and President Trump are the only ones to stop this madness. This is the only ones to bring this country back from doom. Democrats puppets have profited from doing the dirty work. When you are allowed to break every law their is then we have no government left just communist party.
Does anyone actually think “Fancy Nancy” cares about anyone but her ugly witch self? No she does not! The only other person she has OPEN CONTEMPT FOR is President Trump — and you could see it plainly written all over her face! Why do you think she tried to impeach him three times?!! She HATED him — and is scared to death DJT will become President in 2024!!
If Ron DiSantis runs and possibly wins, Pelosi will be run over, then again and again until she can’t get up! Yes, there is “Contempt” flying towards her by that Gentleman and he will destroy her with finesse!
As for that sweet little Hispanic girl that got rudely poked in the neck by skinny butt Pelosi, that was totally unacceptable and mean! But is anyone really surprised by Pelosi’s actions? After all, the whole Hispanic race is just a “tool” for the DEMONRAT party to use and abuse for their goals. Did you really think any of those ignorant egocentric Dems cared about the Hispanic race? NO they did not. That sweet little muchacha was just too close to the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST and got poked with her witch’s broomstick!
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