So Here’s That UV Lung Disinfectant Trump Was Talking About
After the way that the media freaked out over the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine, the UV lung disinfectant technology that President Trump mentioned last week must really work well. Just when you thought our garbage media couldn’t sink any lower, they’ve now gone from “spinning” the news to making things up out of thin air, often in real time. It’s amazing!
The Trump bashing reached a fever pitch over the weekend as media outlets and tech companies worked hand-in-hand to lie about what Trump actually said – and to cover up the existence of the promising new technology that Trump touted in a briefing.
The treatments that Trump was talking about are both very real. One is a quick blast of UV radiation that would probably give you a sunburn, but which could potentially kill a virus in the lungs. The other is a technology that inserts a device through a ventilator, which allows doctors to infuse the inside of the lungs with UV light – basic sunlight, which has been known to kill infections for eons. These sound like the exact type of medical technologies that the inventor of Space Force would be interested in, don’t they?
While still referring to that second treatment, Trump said, “Then I see the disinfectant
– it knocks it [the coronavirus] out within a minute.”
Within moments, the Enemy of the People Media had seized upon the word “disinfectant” while taking the president’s entire quote out of context.
“Trump is telling people to drink bleach!”
“Trump is urging his followers to inject household chemicals INTO THEIR EYEBALLS WITH A TURKEY BASTER!”
Nancy Pelosi staggered onto the House floor like a drunk hobo to proclaim, “This president is urging people to inject Lysol into their lungs.”
Yeah. That’s what he said.
Here are some of the resulting headlines from the Party of Science in reaction to the president’s remarks about cutting edge, space-edge medical technology that disinfects the lungs without surgery, injections or a can of Lysol:
NBC News: Trump’s disinfectants for coronavirus remarks show the danger in his disdain for experts
ABC News: No, don’t inject disinfectant: Outcry over Trump’s musing
RealClearPolitics: Trump suggests “injection” of disinfectant to treat coronavirus: “It sounds interesting”
Forbes: Biden claps back at Trump’s disinfectant comments in Twitter’s most-liked Tweet this week
MSNBC: Even Trump’s aides ‘gobsmacked’ by president’s disinfectant comments
The New York Times: Even Fox News balks at Trump’s coronavirus disinfectant advice
GQ: Lysol had to issue a warning after Trump asked if disinfectant “injections” could clean the lungs
Rhetorical question: Is every single one of the reporters who wrote these fake stories mentally retarded? This is like encountering an undiscovered tribe of natives in the Amazon and trying to explain an electric can opener to them. They’re just not tall enough for this ride!
My favorite was this howler from Jake Tapper: “Poison control centers are getting calls after this president’s remarks.”
Sure they are. They must be flooded with calls! Because that’s how stupid the American people are. Those dumb toothless hicks wearing MAGA hats in flyover country are such dullards that they watched the president talking about innovative UV light medical treatments and then decided to call a poison control center at the last moment before they put Lysol in a hypodermic needle and injected it into their own lungs.
I’m guessing every call to a poison control centers nationwide were actually idiotic reporters who have never heard of UV light treatments and thought of “Lysol” when they heard the word “disinfectant.” Good grief. UV light treatments for disinfecting things are so common and cheap that pet grooming services use them to quickly sterilize their scissors between animal appointments. Catch up, super-smart Democrats!
The Party of Science can’t even imagine that their definition of “disinfectant” (Lysol) could possibly be a different thing than what President Trump was talking about.
Disinfect: a transitive verb meaning, “To cleanse from infection; to purify from contagious matter.”
In other words – the words that the President of the United States used – the innovative use of UV light technology can be used to disinfect a person’s lungs of coronavirus (possibly – it’s still in the testing phase) without the use of surgery or needles.
To help cover up the media’s lies, Google-owned YouTube and Twitter deleted all the evidence of these potentially life-saving technologies over the weekend. All of the videos and Tweets of UV tech being used on intubated patients to disinfect their lungs were scrubbed from those platforms. Twitter finally reinstated the account when it realized that this UV technology isn’t some quack cure that Trump heard about on a late-night TV infomercial. It’s research being conducted by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Oops.
Not that the lying garbage media will ever back down or retract their fabricated-out-of-thin-air story about Trump encouraging people to inject Lysol into their own lungs. These are the same idiots who still have a sneaking suspicion that Russian hackers stole the 2016 election.

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